Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth or 3rd Molars usually begin developing when we are young adults and complete the process to full eruption between the ages of 17 and 25.

These teeth can be very difficult to keep clean and can also be painful if there is not enough room for them in the mouth. They are also the farthest to reach and hardest to clean – making them highly susceptible to tooth decay, infection, and periodontal disease.

Some wisdom teeth will never erupt. Those that do erupt can cause considerable pain as they break through the gum tissue. Prior to the removal of any teeth, especially wisdom teeth, there are examinations and x-rays that should be taken. Wisdom teeth may be close to the mandibular nerve or sinus cavity and disturbance of these can cause serious issues. Removal of wisdom teeth is a surgical procedure and is often recommended to be done under conscious sedation. If you or your child is experiencing what you believe to be pain or tenderness from wisdom teeth, give us a call.