Cavities & Tooth Decay

What is a cavity?

A cavity is when bacteria invades a tooth’s structure. If bad bacteria is fed a diet rich in sugar and carbohydrates, it can sit on the outer surface of the hard tooth structure, breaking it down slowly over time and thereby forming a cavity. Our goal is to maintain a higher number of the good types of bacteria, while keeping the bad bacteria at bay.

A cavity is an infection in your tooth. Cavities can cause whole-health issues, as the infection can spread toxins into your body. Your systemic health is important to us, so we do so much more than just managing your cavities by “drilling and filling” – we want to get to the root cause of the issue and help you solve it.

We want to act as detectives and get to the root cause of the problem so you can be completely healthy – that’s why we identify as “Complete Health Dentistry!” We may ask you about your genetic background, nutrition or dietary intake, among other things. This will help us assess those underlying issues so you don’t continue to struggle with your oral health.

We use the latest technologies to detect decay in its earliest stages and use only the best materials to restore your teeth should we  find decay. We use the following methods to diagnose decay:

  • Digital Radiography
  • Oral Examination
  • Transillumination

DID YOU KNOW?! The number 1 chronic childhood illness today is TOOTH DECAY!

Tooth decay can affect anyone, but is most commonly seen among children and young adults. Bacteria, food debris, and saliva form plaque, which weakens and dissolves the enamel of teeth and causes decay if not removed by proper flossing and brushing. Holes in the teeth called cavities are created by this process. Cavities are typically painless until they grow closer to the tooth’s nerve, but if left untreated can result in a lot of pain and require either a root canal or extraction.