About Sedation or Sleep Dentistry

Nitrous Oxide

Have you ever heard of laughing gas? That’s nitrous oxide! This method of sedation is ideal for those who want to ease anxiety during their visit and require the quickest recovery following the procedure. Nitrous oxide can be administered quickly and can be flushed out with oxygen within minutes. This is a great option for shorter appointments, including general cleanings. Nitrous oxide relieves anxiety, and patients leave feeling alert and great.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is a form of conscious sedation, which is a safe, controlled, and reversible option for the reduction of anxiety, memory, and time perception during a procedure. It is safe and gentle, and easy to administer. You’ll be conscious and have control of your safety reflexive functions like breathing and cognitive responses, but won’t feel any pain and won’t remember any details of your time spent under sedation.

Oral sedation is offered in the form of a tiny pill, which calms the nerves and creates a twilight sedated state. Y We can administer the pill orally or intravenously, and it is safe and effective way to relieve fear and anxiety.

IV Sedation

IV Sedation is the most comprehensive, and safest, sedation procedure. It is another form of conscious sedation, which is a safe, controlled, and reversible option for the reduction of anxiety, memory, and time perception during a procedure. It is safe and gentle, and easy to administer. You’ll be conscious and have control of your safety reflexive functions like breathing and cognitive responses, but won’t feel any pain and won’t remember any details of your time spent under sedation.

IV sedation involves running an IV line directly into the circulatory system. By having direct access to the circulatory system, we can take sedation to a deeper level by using modern techniques. The Smile Blue Ridge team will continuously monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, and the amount of oxygen in your blood to make sure you are safe and secure at all times. We can reverse the sedation on the spot if necessary, because we are very conservative with our sedation processes and medications.